Saturday, January 25, 2014



1.     Your first book, Before I Fall, is based upon a very fascinating concept of ‘seven lives’. How did you manage to think of such a theme and how did you relate it to the life of a teenage girl?
With Before I Fall I just started hearing Sam's voice in my head and I needed to write it down. I wanted to explore some of the experiences that I had had in high school, and I added the more supernatural element so I could really look the consequences of Sam's actions.
2.     According to sources, the idea for Delirium was actually discovered in a gym! Could you tell us more about this discovery?
Yes! I was running on a treadmill, watching a news piece about Swine Flu, and how people were panicking about it. I started to think about how how governments could control populations with propaganda. I already knew I wanted to write a story about love, and the two ideas just came together!

3.     Do you actually relate to any of the female protagonists in you novels?
All of them! Most of my characters have a little bit of me in them. :)
4.     Would you be excited by the idea of turning one of your books into a movie?
So excited. It would be really thrilling. 

5.     Who do you consider your role model in the world of writing?
I'm finding new role models every day, there are so many amazing authors out there! I'm very influenced by Roald Dahl and Gabriel Garcia Marquez though.
6.     Were you always inclined towards writing or was it fate that pushed you into this world?
I've been writing every day since I was nine probably, so even when I wasn't thinking about it professionally, it was always a part of my everyday life.
7.     Would you like to tell your readers about any future projects you are working on?
Yes! My new YA book, Panic, is coming out this March. You can listen to me read the first three chapters on youtube, and my first book for Adults is coming out this fall, titled Rooms.

8.     Delirium is a New York Times bestseller. That is a wonderful thing! How do feel standing on a spot actually reserved for beloved authors like you?
It was so exciting and gratifying. It's wonderful to see that other people enjoy your hard work.
9.     Have you ever tried to connect to your readers in any way?
I think social media is wonderful for connecting with readers. It lets me talk to people all over the world. 
10. Has your dream been fulfilled or is there yet an aspiration we don’t know about?
There's always new books I'm itching to write! As long as I can keep writing them I'm happy
11. Would you like to say anything to your readers?
Just a huge thank you!

1.     Any advice you’d like to give to the writers out there, struggling to make their name in the industry?
Read and write as much as you can. 

Visit LAUREN OLIVER'S website!

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