Saturday, January 25, 2014



1.    You have written books for adults, teens as well as for kids. What types of genres fascinate you in each of the three categories?
I love to write for different age groups, but find that most of my books, regardless of category, include elements of humor and fantasy.

2.    Who do you consider your real inspiration and why?
My inspiration began with a grade school teacher (I was about nine at the time) who saw that I had a knack for writing and encouraged me to do more of it. I’m also inspired whenever I read something truly amazing. Reading great stories makes me want to up my game.

3.    What place does writing hold in your life?
Besides my family, writing is truly what defines me. I’m a daughter, mom, wife, and writer. Writing is a full time job for me, one that I absolutely love and I feel grateful to be able to do this for a living. Even when I’m not writing, I’ve got books on the brain. Ideas for stories pop into my head all the time—in the shower, driving, as I’m drifting off to sleep.

4.    Are there any new projects you’d like to inform your readers about?
I’m really excited about the Edgewood books—a paranormal series I’ve written for young adults. It’s getting a lot of reader buzz, so much in fact, that I’m going to write an unplanned for fourth book. It was supposed to be a trilogy but readers want more, which makes me very happy.

5.    Any piece of advice for all the writers out there?
Do a lot of reading and a lot of writing. Write the book you’d love to read. Listen to critical advice, but only make the changes that make sense to you. Most importantly, just keep at it. The writers who succeed are the ones who don’t give up.  

visit KAREN MCQUESTION'S website!

1 comment:

  1. Gauri, it was a pleasure to be interviewed for your site! If any of your readers are interested in checking out my books, they can find them here: Thank you. :-)
